I’m trying to create a pivot in SFMC to combine multiple rows into one column. The query is running successfully, but not populating correctly. My table has 2 columns: email address and product_sku. Every email address appears 3 times in the table, with a different product_sku next to it. I want the output to have unique email address, with the 3 product_skus
Example file:
Email | product_sku
test@test.com | 12314321131412
test@test.com | 45353643645
test@test.com | 0953242425352
Example desired output:
email | product_sku_header_1 | product_sku_header_2 | product_sku_header_3
test@test.com | 12314321131412 | 45353643645 | 0953242425352
My query is:
select email , sum(case when product_sku ='%' then 1 else 0 end) as product_sku_header_1 , sum(case when product_sku ='%' then 1 else 0 end) as product_sku_header_2 , sum(case when product_sku ='%' then 1 else 0 end) as product_sku_header_3 FROM data_extension group by email
Thanks in advance!
You can use row_number()
for conditional aggregation:
select email, max(case when seqnm = 1 then product_sku end) as product_sku_header_1, max(case when seqnm = 2 then product_sku end) as product_sku_header_2, max(case when seqnm = 3 then product_sku end) as product_sku_header_3 from (select de.*, row_number() over (partition by email order by product_sku) as seqnum from data_extension de ) de group by email;