Im trying to run Dlookup to return all values of a column in a query’s results. As Dlookup can only return 1 result I have added a row count column to the query so I can use the row count as the criteria for the Dlookup.
My query results look like this in the results Query design view Query results 2
In SQL view the query is as follows:
SELECT tblAssets.SerialNumber, tblAssets.ID, tblAssets.AssetType, tblPlacing.Location, tblPlacing.PlacingStartDate, tblPlacing.PlacingEndDate, RowNumber([ID]) AS [NO]
FROM tblAssets INNER JOIN (tblLocations RIGHT JOIN tblPlacing ON tblLocations.LocationID = tblPlacing.Location) ON tblAssets.ID = tblPlacing.AssetID
GROUP BY tblAssets.SerialNumber, tblAssets.ID, tblAssets.AssetType, tblPlacing.Location, tblPlacing.PlacingStartDate, tblPlacing.PlacingEndDate, RowNumber([ID])
HAVING (((tblAssets.AssetType)=55) AND ((tblPlacing.Location)=[Forms]![FrmPPM]![TXTLocationID]) AND ((tblPlacing.PlacingEndDate) Is Null) AND ((ResetRowNumber())<>False));
I have added the row count with the following video (, let me know if more information about this is needed.
The query results look to be correct, however, when using the Dlookup (beneath) it returns null.
Dim VAR1 as Variant
VAR1 = DLookup("[SerialNumber]", "QRYPPM", "[NO] = 1")
When I try and return the [NO] column value it works.
VAR1 = DLookup("[NO]", "QRYPPM", "[SerialNumber] = '6501038'")
I don’t have your data, so can’t run a full test, but I ran something similar using my RowNumber
function (below), and DLookup
was able to filter on the returned rownumber (your [NO]) and return a value from another field.
So, try to use this function (your SQL will need minor adjustments, see in-line comments, please):
' Builds consecutive row numbers in a select, append, or create query
' with the option of a initial automatic reset.
' Optionally, a grouping key can be passed to reset the row count
' for every group key.
' Usage (typical select query having an ID with an index):
' SELECT RowNumber(CStr([ID])) AS RowID, *
' FROM SomeTable
' WHERE (RowNumber(CStr([ID])) <> RowNumber("","",True));
' Usage (typical select query having an ID without an index):
' SELECT RowNumber(CStr([ID])) AS RowID, *
' FROM SomeTable
' WHERE (RowNumber("","",True)=0);
' Usage (with group key):
' SELECT RowNumber(CStr([ID]), CStr[GroupID])) AS RowID, *
' FROM SomeTable
' WHERE (RowNumber(CStr([ID])) <> RowNumber("","",True));
' The Where statement resets the counter when the query is run
' and is needed for browsing a select query.
' Usage (typical append query, manual reset):
' 1. Reset counter manually:
' Call RowNumber(vbNullString, True)
' 2. Run query:
' INSERT INTO TempTable ( [RowID] )
' SELECT RowNumber(CStr([ID])) AS RowID, *
' FROM SomeTable;
' Usage (typical append query, automatic reset):
' INSERT INTO TempTable ( [RowID] )
' SELECT RowNumber(CStr([ID])) AS RowID, *
' FROM SomeTable
' WHERE (RowNumber("","",True)=0);
' 2020-05-29. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RowNumber( _
ByVal Key As String, _
Optional ByVal GroupKey As String, _
Optional ByVal Reset As Boolean) _
As Long
' Uncommon character string to assemble GroupKey and Key as a compound key.
Const KeySeparator As String = "¤§¤"
' Expected error codes to accept.
Const CannotAddKey As Long = 457
Const CannotRemoveKey As Long = 5
Static Keys As New Collection
Static GroupKeys As New Collection
Dim Count As Long
Dim CompoundKey As String
On Error GoTo Err_RowNumber
If Reset = True Then
' Erase the collection of keys and group key counts.
Set Keys = Nothing
Set GroupKeys = Nothing
' Create a compound key to uniquely identify GroupKey and its Key.
' Note: If GroupKey is not used, only one element will be added.
CompoundKey = GroupKey & KeySeparator & Key
Count = Keys(CompoundKey)
If Count = 0 Then
' This record has not been enumerated.
' Will either fail if the group key is new, leaving Count as zero,
' or retrieve the count of already enumerated records with this group key.
Count = GroupKeys(GroupKey) + 1
If Count > 0 Then
' The group key has been recorded.
' Remove it to allow it to be recreated holding the new count.
GroupKeys.Remove (GroupKey)
' This record is the first having this group key.
' Thus, the count is 1.
Count = 1
End If
' (Re)create the group key item with the value of the count of keys.
GroupKeys.Add Count, GroupKey
End If
' Add the key and its enumeration.
' This will be:
' Using no group key: Relative to the full recordset.
' Using a group key: Relative to the group key.
' Will fail if the key already has been created.
Keys.Add Count, CompoundKey
End If
' Return the key value as this is the row counter.
RowNumber = Count
Exit Function
Select Case Err
Case CannotAddKey
' Key is present, thus cannot be added again.
Resume Next
Case CannotRemoveKey
' GroupKey is not present, thus cannot be removed.
Resume Next
Case Else
' Some other error. Ignore.
Resume Exit_RowNumber
End Select
End Function
The full story can be found in my project VBA.RowNumbers.