I have Attendance table in which date and attendance is stored and I am passing date range in this query to display attendance report.
Now my question is how can I replace 0 (which I am getting as a output if the date passsed doesn’t match with the date inside the Attendance table) with N/A or -1 ?
SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + @cols + ' from ( select S.RollNo,U.FirstName,U.LastName, D.startdate, convert(CHAR(10), startdate, 120) PivotDate from #tempDates D,Attendance A, Student S, UserDetails U where D.startdate = A.Date and A.EnrollmentNo=S.EnrollmentNo and A.EnrollmentNo=U.userID ) x pivot ( count(startdate) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p '
You could use CASE as Brandon Miller suggested. Here’s another option – you can use NULLIF to replace a zero with a null value, and then replace any null value with N/A. You’ll need to create a 2nd variable to represent your columns in the select statement of your dynamic query. Here’s a full example with test data:
-- test data create table #tempDates (startdate date) create table Attendance (date date, enrollmentno int) create table Student (rollno int, enrollmentno int) create table UserDetails (FirstName varchar(10), LastName varchar(10), userid int) insert into #tempDates values ('1/1/2018') insert into Attendance values ('1/1/2018', 1) insert into Student values (1, 1) insert into UserDetails values ('J', 'S', 1) declare @cols varchar(100) = '[2018-01-01],[2018-01-02]' declare @cols_select varchar(500) = 'ISNULL(NULLIF(CAST([2018-01-01] AS VARCHAR(10)), ''0''), ''N/A'') AS [2018-01-01],ISNULL(NULLIF(CAST([2018-01-02] AS VARCHAR(10)), ''0''), ''N/A'') AS [2018-01-02]' DECLARE @query nvarchar(max) SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + @cols_select + 'from ( select S.RollNo,U.FirstName,U.LastName, D.startdate, convert(CHAR(10), startdate, 120) PivotDate from #tempDates D,Attendance A, Student S, UserDetails U where D.startdate = A.Date and A.EnrollmentNo=S.EnrollmentNo and A.EnrollmentNo=U.userID ) x pivot ( count(startdate) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p ' EXEC sp_executesql @query
RollNo FirstName LastName 2018-01-01 2018-01-02 1 J S 1 N/A
For fun, here’s a function you can use to convert the @cols variable to the @cols_select variable:
create function dbo.fn_convert_cols(@cols varchar(max)) returns varchar(max) as begin declare @col varchar(20) declare @cols_select varchar(max) = '' declare @idx int, @idx2 int select @idx = CHARINDEX('[', @cols), @idx2 = CHARINDEX(']', @cols) while @idx > 0 and @idx2 > 0 begin select @col = SUBSTRING(@cols, @idx + 1, @idx2 - @idx - 1) select @cols_select += ',ISNULL(NULLIF(CAST([' + @col + '] AS VARCHAR(10)), ''0''), ''N/A'') AS [' + @col + ']' select @cols = SUBSTRING(@cols, @idx2 + 1, len(@cols) - @idx2) select @idx = CHARINDEX('[', @cols), @idx2 = CHARINDEX(']', @cols) end select @cols_select = SUBSTRING(@cols_select, 2, len(@cols_select) - 1) return @cols_select end go
So now you can just call the function when you’re building the query, like this:
SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + dbo.fn_convert_cols(@cols)+ ' from