I am trying to create few tables in Postgres from pandas dataframe but I am kept getting this error.
psycopg2.errors.InvalidForeignKey: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "titles"
After looking into this problem for hours, i finally found that when I am inserting the data into parent table from pandas dataframe, the primary key constraint gets removed for some reasons and due to that I am getting this error when trying to refernece it from another table.
But I am not having this problem when I am using pgAdmin4 to create the table and inserting few rows of data manually.
you can see when I created the tables using pgAdmin, the primary key and foreign keys are getting created as expected and I have no problem with it.
But when I try to insert the data from pandas dataframe using psycopg2 library, the primary key is not getting created.
I Can’t able to understand why is this happening.
The code I am using to create the tables –
# function for faster data insertion def psql_insert_copy(table, conn, keys, data_iter): """ Execute SQL statement inserting data Parameters ---------- table : pandas.io.sql.SQLTable conn : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlalchemy.engine.Connection keys : list of str Column names data_iter : Iterable that iterates the values to be inserted """ # gets a DBAPI connection that can provide a cursor dbapi_conn = conn.connection with dbapi_conn.cursor() as cur: s_buf = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(s_buf) writer.writerows(data_iter) s_buf.seek(0) columns = ", ".join('"{}"'.format(k) for k in keys) if table.schema: table_name = "{}.{}".format(table.schema, table.name) else: table_name = table.name sql = "COPY {} ({}) FROM STDIN WITH CSV".format(table_name, columns) cur.copy_expert(sql=sql, file=s_buf) def create_titles_table(): # connect to the database conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname="imdb", user="postgres", password=os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD"), host="localhost", ) # create a cursor c = conn.cursor() print() print("Creating titles table...") c.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS titles( title_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, title_type TEXT, primary_title TEXT, original_title TEXT, is_adult INT, start_year REAL, end_year REAL, runtime_minutes REAL ) """ ) # commit changes conn.commit() # read the title data df = load_data("title.basics.tsv") # replace N with nan df.replace("\N", np.nan, inplace=True) # rename columns df.rename( columns={ "tconst": "title_id", "titleType": "title_type", "primaryTitle": "primary_title", "originalTitle": "original_title", "isAdult": "is_adult", "startYear": "start_year", "endYear": "end_year", "runtimeMinutes": "runtime_minutes", }, inplace=True, ) # drop the genres column title_df = df.drop("genres", axis=1) # convert the data types from str to numeric title_df["start_year"] = pd.to_numeric(title_df["start_year"], errors="coerce") title_df["end_year"] = pd.to_numeric(title_df["end_year"], errors="coerce") title_df["runtime_minutes"] = pd.to_numeric( title_df["runtime_minutes"], errors="coerce" ) # create SQLAlchemy engine engine = create_engine( "postgresql://postgres:" + os.environ["DB_PASSWORD"] + "@localhost:5432/imdb" ) # insert the data into titles table title_df.to_sql( "titles", engine, if_exists="replace", index=False, method=psql_insert_copy ) # commit changes conn.commit() # close cursor c.close() # close the connection conn.close() print("Completed!") print() def create_genres_table(): # connect to the database conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname="imdb", user="postgres", password=os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD"), host="localhost", ) # create a cursor c = conn.cursor() print() print("Creating genres table...") c.execute( """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS genres( title_id TEXT NOT NULL, genre TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (title_id) REFERENCES titles(title_id) ) """ ) # commit changes conn.commit() # read the data df = load_data("title.basics.tsv") # replace N with nan df.replace("\N", np.nan, inplace=True) # rename columns df.rename(columns={"tconst": "title_id", "genres": "genre"}, inplace=True) # select only relevant columns genres_df = df[["title_id", "genre"]].copy() genres_df = genres_df.assign(genre=genres_df["genre"].str.split(",")).explode( "genre" ) # create engine engine = create_engine( "postgresql://postgres:" + os.environ["DB_PASSWORD"] + "@localhost:5432/imdb" ) # insert the data into genres table genres_df.to_sql( "genres", engine, if_exists="replace", index=False, method=psql_insert_copy ) # commit changes conn.commit() # close cursor c.close() # close the connection conn.close() print("Completed!") print() if __name__ == "__main__": print() print("Creating IMDB Database...") # connect to the database conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname="imdb", user="postgres", password=os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD"), host="localhost", ) # create the titles table create_titles_table() # create genres table create_genres_table() # close the connection conn.close() print("Done with Everything!") print()
I think the problem is to_sql(if_exists="replace")
. Try using to_sql(if_exists="append")
– my understanding is that “replace” drops the whole table and creates a new one with no constraints.