I have these tables on a database on Postgresql:
create table company ( id bigint generated always as identity primary key, name text not null ); create table employee ( id bigint generated always as identity primary key, name text not null, company_id bigint not null references company(id) ); create table manager_employee( id bigint generated always as identity primary key, manager_id bigint not null references employee(id), employee_id bigint not null references employee(id) ); create unique index ux1_manager_employee on manager_employee(manager_id, employee_id); alter table manager_employee add constraint ck1_manager_employee check (manager_id != employee_id);
I want to be sure that when I insert / update a value in manager_employee
table both manager_id and employee_id belong to the same company, same company_id
I think I have to use a trigger to ensure this condition, how can I create it?
You can do it with constraints:
ALTER TABLE manager_employee ADD company_id bigint; UPDATE manager_employee me SET company_id = e.company_id FROM employee e WHERE me.employee_id = e.id; ALTER TABLE manager_employee ALTER company_id SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE employee ADD UNIQUE (company_id, id); ALTER TABLE manager_employee ADD FOREIGN_KEY (company_id, manager_id) REFERENCES employee(company_id, id); ALTER TABLE manager_employee ADD FOREIGN_KEY (company_id, employee_id) REFERENCES employee(company_id, id);
The unique constraint is as redundant as the new column, but is required as a target for the foreign key constraint.