My messages
table is like this:
id : (auto increment) incoming_msg_id : (receiver's user id, BIGINT) outgoing_msg_id : (sender's user id, BIGINT) msg : (message content, LONGTEXT) created_at : (timestamp)
This is my query used for fetching messages:
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM messages LEFT JOIN users ON = messages.outgoing_msg_id WHERE (outgoing_msg_id = :omsg AND incoming_msg_id = :imsg) OR (outgoing_msg_id = :imsg AND incoming_msg_id = :omsg) ORDER BY ASC"); $stmt-> bindValue(':imsg', $imsg); $stmt-> bindValue(':omsg', sessionUser()); $stmt-> execute();
I want to use created_at
timestamp field to group messages in such a way so that I can display date
when the message transactions took place.
For example:
5th July, 2021 Message 1 Message 2 6th July, 2021 Message 3 Message 4
I therefore want to print a new header containing date each time the date changes. My current PHP loop goes like this:
while($f = $stmt->fetch()){ // HERE, I WANT TO CHECK IF DATE CHANGES AND PRINT A NEW HEADER, FOR EXAMPLE // if(dateChanges){ echo date('jS M, Y', strtotime($f['created_at'])); } // UNSURE, OF LOGIC INSIDE IF STATEMENT if($f['outgoing_msg_id'] == sessionUser()){ $html .= "<div class='chat outgoing'> <div class='details d-flex'> <div class='textmsgbox'> <div class='thechatmsg'>".decrypt($f['msg'], ENCRYPTION_KEY)."</div> <div class='tmbcontent d-flex'> <small>".date('h:i a', strtotime($f['created_at']))."</small> <small class='seen'>$seen</small> </div> </div> </div> </div>"; }else{ $html .= "<div class='chat incoming'> <div class='details d-flex'> <div class='textmsgbox'> <div class='thechatmsg'>".decrypt($f['msg'], ENCRYPTION_KEY)."</div> <div class='tmbcontent'> <small>".date('h:i a', strtotime($f['created_at']))."</small> </div> </div> </div> </div>"; } }
Very simple. First you need to declare a null
variable outside of the loop and then check the timestamp’s date against it and print the date. Then at the end you can update the previously defined null
variable with the date from the timestamp and you are done. Have a look at the code below:
$lastDate = null; // DECLARE A NULL VARABLE FOR THE LAST DATE while($f = $stmt->fetch()){ $chatDate = null; // DECLARE A NULL VARIABLE HERE TO AVOID MULTIPLE OUTPUTS // CHECK AGAINST THE LAST DATE IF IT EQUALS TO THE TIMESTAMP'S DATE, IF NOT, PRINT THE DATE if($lastDate !== date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['created_at']))) { // I ADDED THIS ADDITIONAL CODE SO THAT YOU CAN PRINT THE DATE AS "TODAY" & "YESTERDAY" // You may remove this if you don't want if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['created_at'])) == date('Y-m-d')){ $cd = "TODAY"; }else if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['created_at'])) == date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'))){ $cd = "YESTERDAY"; }else{ $cd = date('jS F, Y', strtotime($f['created_at'])); } $chatDate = "<div class='chat-date'>".$cd."</div>"; } $html .= $chatDate; // YOUR IF....ELSE CONDITION GOES HERE if(){ // Your code as in question }else{ // Your code as in question } // UPDATE THE NULL VARIABLE WITH CURRENT DATE $lastDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['created_at'])); }
Done! As simple as that. Enjoy 🙂