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Combining UNION and LIMIT operations in MySQL query

I have a Jobs and a Companies table, and I want to extract 20 jobs that meet the following criteria: Jobs only from two (2) named companies There can at most be 10 jobs per company I have tried the following SELECT with UNION DISTINCT, but the problem is that the LIMIT 0,10 applies to the whole result set. I

Selecting a single row in MySQL

I am using MySQL, I have a table that has 9 columns. One of them is the primary key. How can I select a single row, by the primary key or column 8 or 4? Answer If I understand your question correctly: The ‘LIMIT’ keyword makes sure there is only one row returned.

Finding the next available id in MySQL

I have to find the next available id (if there are 5 data in database, I have to get the next available insert place which is 6) in a MySQL database. How can I do that? I have used MAX(id), but when …

How do I ‘subtract’ sql tables?

Its not really a subtraction I’m looking for. And I know its not a union or intersection… I have been given a long and complex stored procedure that returns a table of active and inactive documents. I have also been given a similar stored procedure that returns another table that contains only the active documents. How could I get a

Unknown column in ‘field list’ error on MySQL Update query

I keep getting MySQL error #1054, when trying to perform this update query: It’s probably some syntax error, but I’ve tried using an inner join instead and other alterations, but I keep getting the same message: Answer Try using different quotes for “y” as the identifier quote character is the backtick (`). Otherwise MySQL “thinks” that you point to a
