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Add new key with value = NULL to existing JSON object

I have the following simple JSON object: I’d like to add a new key under application called “approve_date” and would like the value to be NULL. Is there a way to do this with JSON_MODIFY. I tried using ‘append’ in the path but this added an array, not a key (example below). What is the better way to (A) add

Entity Framework .NET Core returns ‘Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.’ but not in Debugger

The problem: on C#, MVC API with Angular 6 front end on IIS deployed solution. A simple HTML table with 8 filtering fields on specific columns runs queries on the back-end through an API HttpGet call. The function itself works ok, but NOT for specific strings. On the field ‘Description’ for example, the back-end returns ‘Data is Null. This method

SQL optional parameter

I’m struggling to set optional parameter in MS SQL 2017. It should do: If parameter is null, then ignore the condition, but apply other conditions If parameter is set, then apply the condition …
