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Insert data into an empty table from another table

1.I have a table nodes with node_id(PK),node_name(name),connstr(text),last_snap_id(integer) and this table has 1 row fill with 1,local,dbname = postgres,0 2.I have a table indexes_list with node_id(…

How to Inverse Where Clause in mysql Query?

I’m querying my MySQL “consumer_details” table where the age is > 30 and purchase_count > 100, by the same time I need to exclude the people who age is equal ( = ) 50 and purchase_count < 100 I'…

How to prevent SQL injection in Question2Answer?

I want to prevent SQL injection in Question2Answer. This is how I store data in MySQL via HTML form. I know it’s a security risk. Examples – OR and SQL query is – How should I post data in the latest PHP 7 and above version? I think escaping strings is deprecated or outdated. Answer Based on what little information

Sybase IQ 16 – Find members who have changed product

My data captures members purchasing history for a category of products. Typically a member will be buying product X for a number of months but I am interested in those members who moved to product Y and when that happened. My data looks as follows: I would like to pull a list of all member numbers and the first date

Must declare scalar variable in a unit test

I am trying to design a unit test that ensures that a message is bigger than a certain number of characters. My code is: I am getting the following errors: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure test that API_GetStandardDisclaimerText tests to make sure that the message is long enough, Line 25 [Batch Start Line 3] Must declare the scalar
