How can I optimize a query of this form since I keep running into this OOM error? Or come up with a better execution plan? If I removed the substring clause, the query would work fine, suggesting that this takes a lot of memory.
When the job fails, the beeline output shows the OOM Java heap space. Readings online suggested that I increase export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE
but this still results in the error. Another thing I tried was increasing the hive.tez.container.size
(tez heap), but still has this error. In the YARN logs, there would be GC overhead limit exceeded, suggesting a combination of not enough memory and/or the query plan is extremely inefficient since it can’t collect back enough memory.
I am using Azure HDInsight Interactive Query 4.0. 20 worker node, D13v2 8 core, and 56GB RAM.
Source table
create external table database.sourcetable( a, b, c, ... (183 total columns) ... ) PARTITIONED BY ( W string, X int, Y string, Z int )
Target Table
create external table database.NEWTABLE( a, b, c, ... (187 total columns) ... W, X, Y, Z ) PARTITIONED BY ( aAAA, bBBB )
insert overwrite table database.NEWTABLE partition(aAAA, bBBB, cCCC) select a, b, c, ... (187 total columns) ... W, X, Y, Z, cast(a as string) as aAAA, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(b,'yyMMdd'),'yyyyMMdd') as bBBB, substring(upper(c),1,2) as cCCC from database.sourcetable
If everything else is okay, try to add distribute by partiton key at the end of your query:
from database.sourcetable distribute by aAAA, bBBB, cCCC
As a result each reducer will create only one partition file, consuming less memory