I’m building a query in order to build consecutive dates which is
create table #consecutivedates ( sgid nvarchar(max), metric nvarchar(max), targetvalue nvarchar(max), startdate datetime, enddate datetime ) insert into #consecutivedates values ('2177', '515818', '18', '2019-09-01', '2019-09-30'), ('2177', '515818', '125', '2019-08-01', '2019-08-31'), ('2177', '515818', '15', '2019-07-01', '2019-07-31') SELECT sgid,metric, CAST(startdate AS DATE) startdate, CAST(enddate AS DATE) enddate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY sgid, metric, startdate ) rn INTO #temp FROM #consecutivedates -- GroupingColumn in cte used to identify and group consecutive dates ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT sgid , metric , startdate , enddate , 1 AS GroupingColumn , rn FROM #temp WHERE rn = 1 UNION ALL SELECT t2.sgid , t2.metric, t2.startdate, t2.enddate , CASE WHEN t2.startdate = DATEADD(day, 1, cte.enddate) AND cte.sgid = t2.sgid AND cte.metric=t2.metric THEN cte.GroupingColumn ELSE cte.GroupingColumn + 1 END AS GroupingColumn , t2.rn FROM #temp t2 INNER JOIN cte ON t2.rn = cte.rn + 1 ) SELECT sgid,metric, MIN(startdate) AS startdate, MAX(enddate) AS enddate FROM cte GROUP BY sgid,metric, GroupingColumn DROP TABLE #temp DROP TABLE #consecutivedates
but I’m facing a problem with two things.
query is too expensive when files are big.
if the dates are something like
startdate enddate ‘2019-08-01’ ‘2019-09-30’ ‘2019-10-01’ ‘2019-10-31’
Then the query will not group the dates and I need it to be smart enough to solve this kind of cases.
Any help would be nice,
I undersand that you want to group together records that have the same sgid
and metric
and that are adjacent (ie next record starts one day after the end of the current record).
Here is a gaps and island solution that uses window sum to define the groups:
select sgid, metric, min(startdate) startdate, max(enddate) enddate from ( select t.*, sum(case when startdate = dateadd(day, 1, lag_enddate) then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by sgid, metric order by startdate) grp from ( select t.*, lag(enddate) over(partition by sgid, metric order by startdate) lag_enddate from #consecutivedates t ) t ) t group by sgid, metric, grp
For your sample data, where all three records are adjacent, this produces:
sgid | metric | startdate | enddate :--- | :----- | :---------------------- | :---------------------- 2177 | 515818 | 2019-07-01 00:00:00.000 | 2019-09-30 00:00:00.000
Note that the query uses SQL Server date functions (which I suspect that you are using): alternatives exists in other databases.