I am working on school listing project. I have created database name is school
and under I add new table name is schoollist
Here I have many school. I have added few column on it bellow the list of column.
| Wright school | Oslo, Norway | 870 |
| metro school | Oslo, Norway | 880 |
| unit school | Oslo, Norway | 670 |
| Oslo school | Oslo, Norway | 540 |
| Wright oslo school | Oslo, Norway | 510 |
For the above table i want to search Wright Oslo
and after the result should be Wright oslo school
and Wright school
because Wright oslo school
have low price. And other school dont need show because of they dont have exact name school of wright. How can i get it done by sql query I used old query but its not working perfectly bellow the code:
if(isset($_POST['searchbtn']) ){
$searchContent = strtolower(mysqli_real_escape_string($db, trim($_POST['search'])));
header("Location: index.php");
$searchArray = explode(" ", $searchContent);
foreach ($searchArray as $word) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `schoolist` WHERE MATCH(sc_name, sch_address) AGAINST('%$word%') ORDER BY CASE WHEN sc_name like '%$word' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,sc_name ";
I want output should be like bellow:
| Wright Oslo school | Oslo, Norway | 510 |
| Wright school | Oslo, Norway | 870 |
Using the same dataset as yours :
You can achieve your goal using this query :
SELECT * FROM schoollist WHERE CONCAT(name, address) LIKE $input ORDER BY price; //$input = %Wright%Oslo% (see below)
Here is the result as expected :
You order by price (ASC by default)
You search for any match with the keywords (Wright and Oslo), even if they are not stuck together. Once you get the user input, you have to string replace any whitespace with the % caracter and to add % at the beginning and at the end of the input :
$input = '%' . $_GET['input'] . '%';
$input = str_replace(" ","%",$input); // %Wright%Oslo%
For security purposes, you should use a prepared statement :
$sql = "SELECT * FROM schoollist WHERE CONCAT(name, address) LIKE ? ORDER BY price;";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("s", $input);