I have to create output that shows all fields from a table (Tbl) and create an additional column that calculates Cumulative Sum for each customer by month, (eg if a customer has two sales in April, the new column will have the Sum of those sales and any prior sales on both rows). That much I can do.
My issue is generating rows every month for every client even when they have no sales, and still having the cumulative column show the previous month’s cumulative sum correctly.
Desired output: Picture Link
Customer_ID Order_ID Order_Date Order_Amt_Total_USD Month_ID Cum_Total_By_Month John 123 4/4/2019 30 Jun-19 120 John 124 4/12/2019 90 Jun-19 120 Mark null null null Jun-19 0 Sally 150 4/20/2019 50 Jun-19 50 John null null null Jul-19 120 Mark 165 7/7/2019 80 Jul-19 170 Mark 166 7/7/2019 90 Jul-19 170 Sally 160 7/5/2019 75 Jul-19 125 John null null null Aug-19 120 Mark null null null Aug-19 170 Sally null null null Aug-19 125
I’ll list the code below, but this is a link to a SQL fiddle with sample data and the two queries of the pieces that i have working (with help from you wonderful people on this site). http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/1d86b/11
I can generate the desired Cumulative running sum by customer and month using the first query.
I can also generate a base table that gives me a month_id for every customer for every month in the second query.
I need help making the combination of those two that will generate the desired output with the null rows for when months/Customers don’t have any sales.
Any ideas? Thanks!
-- Generates cumulative total by month by Customer, but only shows when they have a sale SELECT Customer_ID, Order_Date, order_id, Order_Amt_Total_USD, to_char(date_trunc('month', Order_Date), 'Mon YYYY') AS mon_text, (Select sum(Order_Amt_Total_USD) FROM tbl t2 WHERE t2.Customer_ID = t.Customer_ID AND date_trunc('month', t2.Order_Date) <= t.Order_Date ) AS Cumulative FROM tbl t GROUP BY mon_text, Customer_ID, Order_Date, order_id, Order_Amt_Total_USD ORDER BY date_trunc('month', Order_Date), Customer_ID, Order_Date ; -- Generates Proper List of All Month IDs for each Customer from entered date through today WITH temp AS ( SELECT date_trunc('month', Order_Date) AS mon_id FROM tbl ) Select Customer_ID, to_char(mon_id, 'Mon YYYY') AS mon_text From tbl, generate_series('2015-01-01'::date, now(), interval '1 month') mon_id LEFT JOIN temp USING (mon_id) GROUP BY mon_id,Customer_ID ;
Based on your description, you can combine window functions with generate_series()
SELECT c.Customer_ID, mon, SUM(Order_Amt_Total_USD) as month_total, SUM(SUM(Order_Amt_Total_USD)) OVER (PARTITION BY c.Customer_ID ORDER BY mon) as running_total FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Customer_Id FROM tbl) c CROSS JOIN generate_series('2015-01-01'::date, now(), interval '1 month') mon LEFT JOIN tbl t ON t.Customer_Id = c.customer_id and date_trunc('month', t.Order_Date) = mon GROUP BY c.Customer_ID, mon ORDER BY 1, 2;
Here is a SQL Fiddle.