While executing stored procedure, I’m passing 4 arguments. After passing the arguments through GUI mode, I’m seeing that some prefixes has been added by the sql itself.
USE [du_Attendance] GO DECLARE @return_value Int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[GET_ATTENDANCE_REPORT_FOR_FACULTY] @startdate = '1/9/2018', @enddate = '1/12/2018', @coursecode = N'''BSCCS''', @subjectcode = N'''CSHT101''' SELECT @return_value as 'Return Value' GO
So when I am removing the N”, it’s giving me an error saying Invalid column name ‘BSCCS’. What does it mean ?
Full Stored Procedure –
CREATE PROCEDURE GET_ATTENDANCE_REPORT_FOR_FACULTY @startdate DATE, @enddate DATE, @coursecode varchar(10), @subjectcode varchar(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @cols as varchar(2000); DECLARE @cols_select as varchar(MAX); declare @col varchar(20) declare @cols_copy varchar(100) DECLARE @query as varchar(MAX); WITH cte (startdate) AS (SELECT @startdate AS startdate UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(DD, 1, startdate) AS startdate FROM cte WHERE startdate < @enddate ) select c.startdate into #tempDates from cte c where datename(weekday, c.startdate) <> 'Sunday'; SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(CONVERT(CHAR(6),startdate, 106)) FROM #tempDates FOR XML PATH (''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') select @cols_copy = replace(@cols, ',', '') select @cols_select = SUBSTRING(@cols_select, 2, len(@cols_select) - 1) SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + dbo.fn_convert_cols(@cols) + ' from ( select S.RollNo,U.FirstName,U.LastName, D.startdate, convert(CHAR(6), startdate, 106) PivotDate from #tempDates D,Attendance A, Student S, UserDetails U where convert(CHAR(6), D.startdate, 106) = convert(CHAR(6), A.Date, 106) and A.EnrollmentNo=S.EnrollmentNo and A.EnrollmentNo=U.userID and A.CourseCode=' + @coursecode + ' and A.SubjectCode =' + @subjectcode + ' ) x pivot ( count(startdate) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p ' EXECUTE (@query) drop table #tempDates END
The problem with this is I am passing the parameters from C# code so only ‘BSCCS’ is passed into the stored procedure resulting in the above mentioned error.
C# Code –
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Constants.getAttendanceForFaculty, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startdate", startdate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@enddate", enddate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@coursecode", courseCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subjectcode", subCode); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(dt); con.Close();
you should change your dynamic query like this, otherwise – because of dynamic query – SQL executes your parameters like columns.
I changed
A.CourseCode=' + @coursecode + ' and A.SubjectCode =' + @subjectcode + '
to this
A.CourseCode=''' + @coursecode + ''' and A.SubjectCode =''' + @subjectcode + '''
SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + dbo.fn_convert_cols(@cols) + ' from ( select S.RollNo,U.FirstName,U.LastName, D.startdate, convert(CHAR(6), startdate, 106) PivotDate from #tempDates D,Attendance A, Student S, UserDetails U where convert(CHAR(6), D.startdate, 106) = convert(CHAR(6), A.Date, 106) and A.EnrollmentNo=S.EnrollmentNo and A.EnrollmentNo=U.userID and A.CourseCode=''' + @coursecode + ''' and A.SubjectCode =''' + @subjectcode + ''' ) x pivot ( count(startdate) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p '