The Following procedure after getting called, shows up error “The Result return more than one row” where the input value given is just one parameter.
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE p( IN en int,OUT ename int, OUT incr_sal int, OUT s_sal int, OUT count1 int) BEGIN DECLARE sal INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE cnt int DEFAULT 0; DECLARE emp_name int DEFAULT 0; SELECT `ename`,`salary` INTO sal, emp_name FROM works w WHERE `ename`=en; SELECT COUNT(m.empname) INTO cnt FROM manages m WHERE m.empname=en GROUP BY m.empname; SET @ename=emp_name; SET @incr_sal=sal; IF sal>50000 && cnt>2 THEN SET sal=sal+((sal*5)/100); ELSEIF sal>50000 && sal<60000 && cnt>=1 THEN SET sal=sal+((sal*2)/100); ELSEIF sal>10000 && cnt=0 THEN SET sal=sal+((sal*1)/100); end IF; SET @s_sal=sal; SET @count1=cnt; SELECT @ename,@incr_sal,@s_sal,@count1; END $$ DELIMITER ; CALL p('Sam',@ename,@incr_sal,@s_sal,@cnt);
Execute query seperately and see the result
SELECT `ename`,`salary` INTO sal, emp_name FROM works w WHERE `ename`=en;
Are you expected more than one row here or just one. If expecting one then just add limit 1 to query as :
SELECT `ename`,`salary` INTO sal, emp_name FROM works w WHERE `ename`=en limit 1;