I have tried many solutions to get rid of Duplicate results in Query but no use. Here are my tables:
sparepartorderdetails d table:
id ----- SparePartID --------OrderID -------- Qty ----- Price
and sparepartfeedback fb table:
PFID -----Review-----------Rating------- SparePartID -----OrderID
1---------good job------------5--------------49--------------86
2---------nice product--------4--------------52--------------86
Now here is my QUERY which gives duplicate results:
SELECT DISTINCT d.SparePartID, s.Name, d.Quantity, d.Price, d.OrderID ,
fb.PFID, fb.Review, fb.Rating
FROM sparepartorderdetails d LEFT JOIN
sparepartfeedback fb
ON fb.OrderID = d.OrderID INNER JOIN
sparepart s
ON d.SparePartID= s.SparePartID INNER JOIN
orders o
ON o.OrderID = d.OrderID
WHERE d.OrderID = "86"
Now these are the duplicate results Im getting:
SparePartID-----Name------Qty----Price----OrderID ----PFID ------Review---- Rating**
49 ----------- Lights ---- 3---- 3000 ------86--------1----------good job ------ 5
52 ----------- Mirrors---- 5----- 800-------86--------2----------nice product ------ 5
49 ----------- Lights ---- 3---- 3000 ------86--------1----------good job ------ 5
52 ----------- Mirrors---- 5----- 800-------86--------2----------nice product ------ 5
But this Query gives no duplicates if there are no reviews/ratings for an order like for OrderID: 87 it just correctly shows order details and NULL values for Review and Ratings. But when I run it for OrderID: 86 which has Reviews/Ratings, it gives duplicate results.
Below are results that I expect:
SparePartID-----Name------Qty----Price----OrderID ----PFID ------Review------- Rating**
49 ----------- Lights ---- 3---- 3000 ------86--------1----------good job ------- 5
52 ----------- Mirrors---- 5----- 800-------86--------2----------nice product --- 5
I think you have left out a JOIN
condition on the spare part id:
SELECT d.SparePartID, s.Name, d.Quantity, d.Price, d.OrderID ,
fb.PFID, fb.Review, fb.Rating
FROM sparepartorderdetails d LEFT JOIN
sparepartfeedback fb
ON fb.OrderID = d.OrderID
fp.SparePartID = d.SparePartID INNER JOIN
sparepart s
ON d.SparePartID= s.SparePartID INNER JOIN
orders o
ON o.OrderID = d.OrderID
WHERE d.OrderID = 86