I track the aging of customer invoices.
The below code example returns the balance of customer invoices by customer that are between 0 and 30 days old.
However, I want to run one query that pulls separate columns into Excel for each customer’s balance aged between 0 and 30 days, 31 and 60, 61 and 90, and finally over 90 days.
I am hoping to pull this into Excel so the columns are as follows-
Customer Number, Customer Name, Balance(That is under 30 days old), Balance(30-59 days), Balance(60-90), Balance(Over 90)
vtSql = "" vtSql = vtSql & " SELECT CUSTNUM, CUSTNAME, SUM(BALANCE) " vtSql = vtSql & " FROM VIEWALLINVOICES " vtSql = vtSql & " WHERE BALANCE <> '0' AND INVDATE BETWEEN #" & Application.Text(Range("TODAY") - 30, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# AND #" & Application.Text(Range("TODAY"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#" vtSql = vtSql & " GROUP BY CUSTNUM, CUSTNAME " vtSql = vtSql & " ORDER BY SUM(BALANCE) DESC;"
I am using a MS Access database and I am pulling this directly into Excel using an ADODB Connection and “Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0”.
You seem to want conditional aggregation. In MS-Access, you should be able to phrase this as:
SELECT CUSTNUM, CUSTNAME, SUM(IIF(INVDATE BETWEEN DateAdd('d', -30, date()) AND date() , BALANCE, 0)) AS BALANCE_0_30, SUM(IIF(INVDATE BETWEEN DateAdd('d', -60, date()) AND DateAdd('d', -31, date()), BALANCE, 0)) AS BALANCE_31_60, SUM(IIF(INVDATE BETWEEN DateAdd('d', -90, date()) AND DateAdd('d', -61, date()), BALANCE, 0)) AS BALANCE_61_90, SUM(IIF(INVDATE <= DateAdd('d', -91, date()) , BALANCE, 0)) AS BALANCE_OVER_91 FROM VIEWALLINVOICES GROUP BY CUSTNUM, CUSTNAME
This computes the dates ranges dynamically by offseting the current date – which is how I understood your question.