I want to achieved the result below. I want to list all records having a status of “For Approval” together with this condition:
For example for Username ‘Leo’
if ProcedureLevel="Propose" then count all userId of 'Leo' from ProposedCheckBy field
if ProcedureLevel="Endorse" then count all userId of 'Leo' from EndorsedCheckBy field
if ProcedureLevel="Approve" then count all userId 'Leo' from ApprovedCheckBy field
Then sum all the status having “For Approval” which is the checker is ‘Leo’ with the condition above
I want to achieved the result like this
Username | No of For Approval |
Leo | 3 |
Taurus | 2 |
Capricorn | 1 |
Id, userName
Id, [Description] ,[status],[procedurelevel] checkbyby1,checkbyby2, checkby3
Id [UserName]
1 Leo
2 Taurus
3 Capricorn
Id, [Description] ,[status] ,[procedurelevel] ProposedCheckedBy1 ,EndorsedCheckedBy2 , ApprovedCheckBy3
1 Limits1 For Approval Propose 1 null null
2 Limits2 For Approval Propose 1 null null
3 Limits3 For Approval Endorse 1 2 null
4 Limits4 For Approval Approve 1 2 1
5 Limits5 For Approval Approve 2 3 2
5 Limits5 For Approval Approve 1 2 3
I think this is what you are after; if its not i have created tables and data inserts which will help whoever gives you the final solution. I think coalesce is the thing you are looking for you; using the status 1,2,3 columns you can work backwards to find the current user in one pass.
It currently returns
NoMatches procedurelevel userName
1 Approve Leo
1 Endorse Taurus
1 Propose Capricorn
2 Propose Leo
1 Propose Taurus
Create table tblUsers
Id int, userName varchar(100)
Create table tblLimits
Id int, [Description] varchar(20),[status] varchar(20),[procedurelevel] varchar(20), checkby1 int,checkby2 int, checkby3 int
insert into tblUsers select 1, 'Leo'
insert into tblUsers select 2, 'Taurus'
insert into tblUsers select 3, 'Capricorn'
insert into tblLimits select 1, 'Limits1', 'For Approval', 'Propose',1, null,null
insert into tblLimits select 2, 'Limits2', 'For Approval', 'Propose',1, null, null
insert into tblLimits select 3, 'Limits3', 'For Approval', 'Endorse',1, 2,null
insert into tblLimits select 4, 'Limits4', 'For Approval', 'Approve',1, 2,1
insert into tblLimits select 5, 'Limits5', 'For Approval', 'Propose',2, 3,2
insert into tblLimits select 5, 'Limits5', 'For Approval', 'Propose',1, 2,3
select count(ProcedureLevel) as NoMatches, procedurelevel, bb.userName
From tbllimits aa
inner join tblUsers bb
on coalesce(checkby3, checkby2, checkby1) = bb.id
group by bb.userName, aa.procedurelevel
drop table tblusers
drop table tbllimits