I have created a form where I enter in faculty information and I made error messages appear if certain fields are missing.
However, as soon as I click save, the form saves the entry like I wanted, but also immediately generates the error messages I created, even though I didn’t have a chance to enter anything new into the fields. My code is this…
' Click event for Save button
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
' ToDo fix the labels in this function so they match the function name. Just cosmetic.
On Error GoTo Add_Faculty_Click_Err
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNewRec
' Error handling for FirstName
Dim OKToSave As Boolean
OKToSave = True
If Not SomethingIn(Me.FirstName) Then ' Null
MsgBox "A first name is required", vbOKOnly, "Missing Information"
OKToSave = False
End If
If Not SomethingIn(Me.Combo17) Then
MsgBox "A department is required", vbOKOnly, "Missing Information"
OKToSave = False
End If
If Not SomethingIn(Me.LastName) Then
MsgBox "A last name is required", vbOKOnly, "Missing Information"
OKToSave = False
End If
If Not SomethingIn(Me.Text19) Then
MsgBox "A user name is required", vbOKOnly, "Missing Information"
OKToSave = False
Dim myUserName As String
myUserName = "UserName = " + Chr(34) + Me.Text19 + Chr(34)
If DLookup("UserName", "tFaculty", myUserName) <> Null Then
MsgBox "User name already on file", vbOKOnly, "User name already on file."
OKToSave = False
End If
End If
If OKToSave Then
' If we get this far, all data is valid and it's time to save
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
' ToDo refresh and synch combo box
Me.cbFacultyID = Me.FacultyID
' ToDo hide save and cancel buttons
Me.cmdSave.Visible = False
Me.cmdCancel.Visible = False
' ToDo show Add and delete buttons
Me.[Add Faculty].Visible = True
Me.Delete.Visible = True
End If
Exit Sub
Resume Add_Faculty_Click_Exit
End Sub
I thought I fixed things with the OKToSave portion, but its not working. What is causing this?
The very first thing your handler does is move to a new record:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNewRec
That saves the record. Nothing after that matters. So remove that line.
Replace the line:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
With this instead:
Me.Dirty = False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNewRec
This will make it so you won’t save and move the current record until it’s OKToSave