I have invoices pending payment, every invoice has two dates, first when the invoice is required to pay and the other when the invoice is paid. I want to know in a period of time the max debt and the avg debt
This is the table
Id Invoice Amount InvoiceDate InvoicePayment
----------- ------- ----------- ----------- -------------
1 Bill 1 314 2019-01-20 2019-03-01
2 Bill 2 205 2019-01-14 2019-02-18
3 Bill 3 90 2019-02-04 2019-02-06
4 Bill 4 456 2019-01-03 2019-04-27
I would like to know the max debt amount in february and the avg debt
You can unpivot with cross apply
, and use a window sum to compute the “running” debt at each given point in time. The rest is just filtering and aggregation:
select avg(debt) avg_debt, max(debt) max_debt
from (
select x.dt, sum(x.amount) over(order by x.dt) debt
from mytable t
cross apply (values (invoicedate, amount), (invoicepayment, -amount)) as x(dt, amount)
) t
where dt >= '20200201' and dt < '20200301'