I am trying to fetch data from the database in this way: I want all the templates and those templates have an array of categories in it so
templateArray = [ template1 = { name:string, ..., categories: array} template2 = { name:string, ..., categories: array} ]
the methode I am currently using
const findAll = async () => { let template = await getKnex()(tables.template).select(); template.forEach(async (value) => { const categories = await getKnex()(tables.template) .select() .where(`${tables.template}.templateId`, value.templateId) .join( tables.template_category, `${tables.template}.templateId`, '=', `${tables.template_category}.template_id`, ) .join( tables.category, `${tables.category}.catId`, '=', `${tables.template_category}.cat_Id`, ); value.categories = categories; }); return template; };
currently I am doing this but the object doesn’t seem to alter.
You are not waiting for the promises to resolve. You should do:
await Promise.all(template.map(yourFunction))
instead of