I’m running an ansible playbook that runs an sqlplus script to an Oracle DB.
Basically the script creates a CSV file with some server info. The query is pretty much autogenerated, so it will be difficult change it.
set markup csv on spool 'playbook-dir/files/servers.csv' SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT server.primary_name SERVER_NAME, server.arpa_domain ARPA_DOMAIN, server.impact IMPACT, instance_definition.category SOLUTION_CATEGORY, instance_definition.instance_name SOLUTION_NAME, instance_on_server.ins_instance_name INSTANCE_NAME FROM server_db.instance_definition, server_db.instance_on_server, server_db.business, server_db.server_customer, server_db.server WHERE ( server_db.instance_definition.app_id(+) = server_db.instance_on_server.app_id ) AND ( server_db.server.system_id = server_db.instance_on_server.system_id(+) ) AND ( ( instance_definition.instance_name LIKE '%windows%' ) OR ( instance_definition.instance_name LIKE '%centos%' ) ) AND ( instance_on_server.status LIKE 'in production' ) AND ( server_db.business.business_id(+) = server_db.server_customer.business_id ) AND ( server_db.server_customer.system_id(+) = server_db.server.system_id ) AND (( instance_definition.category LIKE 'os' )) AND (( server.primary_name||'.'||server.arpa_domain LIKE '%' )) AND business.secure_access_r <> 1) WHERE ROWNUM <= 600000 + 1 ORDER BY server_name; spool off
The problem is that this query brings all the 5000 server and I need only 200.
I want to add a LOOP/FOR statement with only the servers I need, but I think I’m doing something wrong.
This is the query with the LOOP:
declare type table_varchar is table of varchar2(10); var_table_varchar table_varchar; begin var_table_varchar := table_varchar('server1', 'server2', 'server3', 'server4'); for elem in 1 .. var_table_varchar.count loop SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT server.primary_name SERVER_NAME, server.arpa_domain ARPA_DOMAIN, server.impact IMPACT, instance_definition.category SOLUTION_CATEGORY, instance_definition.instance_name SOLUTION_NAME, instance_on_server.ins_instance_name INSTANCE_NAME FROM server_db.instance_definition, server_db.instance_on_server, server_db.business, server_db.server_customer, server_db.server WHERE ( server_db.instance_definition.app_id(+) = server_db.instance_on_server.app_id ) AND ( server_db.server.system_id = server_db.instance_on_server.system_id(+) ) AND ( ( instance_definition.instance_name LIKE '%windows%' ) OR ( instance_definition.instance_name LIKE '%centos%' ) ) AND ( instance_on_server.status LIKE 'in production' ) AND ( server_db.business.business_id(+) = server_db.server_customer.business_id ) AND ( server_db.server_customer.system_id(+) = server_db.server.system_id ) AND (( instance_definition.category LIKE 'os' )) AND (( server.primary_name||'.'||server.arpa_domain LIKE '%' )) AND (( server.primary_name LIKE '%var_assoc_varchar(elem)%' )) AND business.secure_access_r <> 1) WHERE ROWNUM <= 600000 + 1 ORDER BY server_name; end loop; end;
When I run it I get this error:
Error report –
ORA-06550: line 9, column 5:
PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement
06550. 00000 – “line %s, column %s:n%s”
*Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
Sadly, I’m not much of a DBA and my knowledge got me so far. So suggestion will be appreciated
You can not use plain select sql without into
clause like this in PL/SQL.
What are you expecting out of the query in PL/SQL?
Your first query executed and filled csv because it is single query and not anonymous block.
You can simply add condition into where
clause of your first query as follows:
server.primary_name in ('server1', 'server2', 'server3', 'server4')