I am attempting to search an SQL database for instances where child records do not exist, or if they do exist, they are a specific type (e.g. Historical) and no other types exist (e.g. Current):
SELECT distinct parent.id FROM parenttable
Left Join childtable On childtable.primarykey = parenttable.primarykey
Where childtable.id is null
This populates all of my parent records that do not have any child records without any issues. However, I also want the query to populate instances where the only child records that exist are historical (e.g. childtable.type = ‘Historical’). I have not been able to do this thus far.
You can just use not exists
select p.id
from parenttable p
where not exists (
select 1
from childtable c
where c.primarykey = p.primarykey and c.type <> 'Historical'
This phrases as: get all records from the parent table that have no child whose type is other than “Historical” – parents without a child do satisfy this condition too.