I have two tables. User and days, with many to many relationship. user_days : user_id, day_id
public function users() { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_day'); } public function days() { return $this->belongsToMany(Day::class, 'user_day'); }
I want to get the count number of users in day_id = 1 {for a particular day} or something like this. Any way to get count from pivot table? This function didnot work.
public function assign_prize(Request $request) { $userCount = $this->user->days()->withCount('users')->where($request->day_id, 'day_id')->get(); $giftLimit = Day::where('id', $request->day_id)->get(); if ($userCount > $giftLimit) { return problem(__("Gift for the current day has been finished!!"), 500, "Gift Assign Failed"); }
the table structure ?
Schema::create('user_day', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('user_id')->unsigned(); $table->integer('day_id')->unsigned(); $table->boolean('assigned')->default(0); $table->timestamps(); });
How do I find the user count of users on that particular day??
Get the count of users related to that day.
public function assign_prize(Request $request) { $day = Day::withCount('users')->find($request->day_id); if ($day->users_count > $day->gift_limit) { return problem(__("Gift for the current day has been finished!!"), 500, "Gift Assign Failed"); }