Does anyone know why it fails?
@Query("SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(x) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END FROM City a WHERE x.parking= :parking AND x.section= :section AND x.district IN (SELECT uc FROM DistrictCity uc WHERE = :zone AND :user IN uc.users)")
Boolean carsExist(String parking, Section section, String zone, User user);
City (class)
String parking
Section section
DistrictCity district
DistrictCity (class)
String Zone
List<User> users (Many to Many relation)
It does not give syntax problems but it gives me the error “missing expression (ORA-00936)” The problem seems to be in :user IN uc.users
I think the last bit is incorrect. This should work:
SELECT uc FROM DistrictCity uc JOIN uc.users u WHERE = :zone AND u = :user
So, the whole query becomes:
@Query("SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(x) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END FROM City a WHERE x.parking= :parking AND x.section= :section AND x.district IN (SELECT uc FROM DistrictCity uc JOIN uc.users u WHERE = :zone AND u = :user)")