I am trying to connect to a remote SQL Server DB from a Java application without success.
I am able to successfully connect to that SQL Server instance from a SQL client for Mac called SQLPro for MSSQL
However, if I try to connect from the Java application using those same credentials, I always get a Login failed error, this is the code snipper I’m using:
String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://some-host:1433;" + "database=DBName;" + "user=GLOBAL\user;" + "password=somepassword;" + "encrypt=true;" + "trustServerCertificate=true;" + "loginTimeout=30;"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl); Statement statement = connection.createStatement();) { // Create and execute a SELECT SQL statement. String selectSql = "select * from R2.LABEL_MASTER"; resultSet = statement.executeQuery(selectSql); // Print results from select statement while (resultSet.next()) { System.out.println(resultSet.getString(2) + " " + resultSet.getString(3)); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
I’m using this gradle dependency for the sql server jdbc driver
implementation group: ‘com.microsoft.sqlserver’, name: ‘mssql-jdbc’, version: ‘10.2.0.jre11’
One important point is that I am not on a Windows machine, which should not be an issue, as I mentioned, I am able to connect to the SQL Server using an SQL client.
To connect using Windows Auth with app-provided credentials, you must configure the connection to use NTLM. The current connection string is for SQL Auth.