This code gives me the attendance report between two dates passed as a parameter. I will pass dates respective of the month selected from the C# code.
But I want to skip Sundays while generating the attendance report. How can I achieve this?
DECLARE @startdate date = '20180109'; DECLARE @enddate date = '20180112'; DECLARE @cols as varchar(2000); DECLARE @query as varchar(MAX); WITH cte (startdate) AS (SELECT @startdate AS startdate UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, startdate) AS startdate FROM cte WHERE startdate < @enddate ) select c.startdate into #tempDates from cte c SELECT @cols = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(CONVERT(CHAR(10), startdate, 120)) FROM #tempDates FOR XML PATH (''), TYPE) .value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') , 1, 1, '') SET @query = 'SELECT RollNo,FirstName,LastName, ' + @cols + ' from ( select S.RollNo,U.FirstName,U.LastName, D.startdate, convert(CHAR(10), startdate, 120) PivotDate from #tempDates D,Attendance A, Student S, UserDetails U where D.startdate = A.Date and A.EnrollmentNo=S.EnrollmentNo and A.EnrollmentNo=U.userID ) x pivot ( count(startdate) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p ' EXECUTE (@query) drop table #tempDates
How about changing #TempDates
select c.startdate into #tempDates from cte c where datename(weekday, c.startdate) <> 'Sunday';
This assumes that your internationalization settings are set to “English”.