This is my controller:
@RestController @RequestMapping("/reclamacao") public class ClaimController { @Autowired private ClaimRepository claimRepository; @CrossOrigin @PostMapping("/adicionar") public Claim toCreateClaim(@Valid @RequestBody Claim claim, @RequestBody List<Sector> sectors) { if (claim.getNumber() != null) { if (claimRepository.findByNumber(claim.getNumber()).isPresent()) { throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Já existe uma reclamação com esse número."); } }; for (Sector sect: sectors) { claimRepository.saveClaim(claim.getId(), sect); } return claim; }
This is the error I get:
“message”: “I/O error while reading input message; nested exception is Stream closed”
Your error is the result of @RequestBody being used twice in your controller method arguments. Following line causes the issue:
toCreateClaim(@Valid @RequestBody Claim claim, @RequestBody List<Sector> sectors)
You cannot use it this way as only one @RequestBody per method is allowed. Using @RequestBody Spring converts incoming request body into the specified object (what closes the stream representing body at the end) so attempting to use @RequestBody second time in the same method makes no sense as stream has been already closed.
So in order to solve your issue, please create a dedicated object with both objects which you specified. Like:
public class Complaint { Claim claim; List<Sector> sectors; }
And then change method arguments to:
toCreateClaim(@RequestBody Complaint complaint)
What is more, if you want to validate the structure of your object using @Valid and make the result accessible, you need to add BindingResult just after the argument which is validated:
toCreateClaim(@Valid @RequestBody Complaint complaint, BindingResult bindingResult)