The problem is, sometimes in a day that no one is changing anything, a random user just enter the page and the trigger saves a change. The problem is, not only it logs a change that never has occurred in that day/moment(Because he/she didn’t made a change), but it also gets a random data from INSERTED/DELETED, like we have a log of a change on may 5 2019 that has the date of change set in 2014, which is a long time ago.
My trigger is similar to this one below, just without personal information. We simulated this problem by making changes on a day, then trigger logs it correctly, after that we change the date on our computer, log in and wait a little bit, than it logs something random. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, and enter/exiting pages, but eventually something completely random appears from another date from long ago. Thanks for the help!
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tablelog] ON [dbo].[tablechanged] AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN declare @OLD_DATA nvarchar(2000); declare @NEW_DATA nvarchar(2000); declare @Counter INT; declare @Occurrences INT; declare @col varchar(1000); declare @SELECDELET nvarchar(2000); declare @SELECINSER nvarchar(2000); declare @user varchar(50); declare @cod int; declare @emp INT; declare @isReg bit; set @Occurrences = (SELECT COUNT(COLUMN_NAME) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'tablechanged') set @Counter = 0; set @user = (SELECT TOP 1 usuarioUltimaAlteracao FROM INSERTED); set @emp = (SELECT TOP 1 empCodigo FROM INSERTED); set @cod = (SELECT TOP 1 cedCodigo FROM INSERTED); set @isReg = (SELECT TOP 1 alteracaoViaCadastro FROM INSERTED); SELECT * INTO #Del FROM DELETED SELECT * INTO #Ins FROM INSERTED if(@isReg = 1) begin while @Counter < @Occurrences begin set @Counter = @Counter + 1; set @col = (select COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'tablechanged' and ordinal_position = @Counter); select @SELECDELET = 'SELECT @OLD_DATA='+@col+' FROM #Del' ; select @SELECINSER = 'SELECT @NEW_DATA='+@col+' FROM #Ins' ; exec sp_executesql @SELECDELET, N'@OLD_DATA nvarchar(40) OUTPUT', @OLD_DATA OUTPUT exec sp_executesql @SELECINSER, N'@NEW_DATA nvarchar(40) OUTPUT', @NEW_DATA OUTPUT if(@OLD_DATA <> @NEW_DATA) begin INSERT INTO TABLELOG (OPE_DATE,OPE_USER,OPE_TABLE,OPE_COD,OPE_EMP,OPE_FIELD,OPE,OLD_DATA,NEW_DATA) VALUES (getdate(), @user, 'tablechanged', @cod, @emp, @col, 'UPDATE', @OLD_DATA,@NEW_DATA) end end end END
SQL Server triggers fire for every statement. Not for every row. Your trigger is obviously broken for the case of a multi-row update.
In the case of a multi-row update, the value of @NEW_DATA after running
SELECT @NEW_DATA='+@col+' FROM #Ins' ;
will be the last value in #Ins, and without an ORDER BY, it’s undocumented which row it come from.