I’m trying to use a case statement and the results to in an alias, but I need to use the alias in my where clause and this doesn’t seem to be working. How do I use the alias (isPrimary below) in my where clause. See comment where I’m trying to use isPrimary in my where clause, which doesn’t work. How do I use the alias in the where clause?
id varchar(25),
id caseid
15 12345
15 23456
CREATE TABLE #services
id varchar(25),
createdate VARCHAR(30),
types int
id caseid createdate types
15 12345 2021-04-27 11:59:01.333 null --this is the primary one
16 12345 2021-04-28 07:37:20.163 null
17 12345 2021-04-28 07:55:08.750 10
select c.caseid,
CASE WHEN sv.id = (SELECT Top 1 ID FROM #services WHERE caseid = c.caseid ORDER BY createdate ASC) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isPrimary --if lowest date for sv.caseid then label "1", otherwise "0"
#cases c
left join #services sv on sv.caseid=c.caseid
(isPrimary=0 and types is null) --it doesn't want me to use the alias here
I was looking at [case alias where][1]
but it doesn’t try to use the alias in the where clause. I don’t see how to do that in my search. I need to return the null “types” that aren’t primary. There are multiple cases, not just the one in the services table.
You could do your initial query as a CTE to get the alias and then use your WHERE
condition on that resulting data set.
;with cte
as (
select c.caseid, types,
CASE WHEN sv.id = (SELECT Top 1 ID FROM #services WHERE caseid = c.caseid ORDER BY createdate ASC) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS isPrimary
#cases c
left join #services sv on sv.caseid=c.caseid)
select *
from cte
(isPrimary=0 and types is null)