from XML column I wanna try get info.
Every client have more that one contract_key
in XML, im using split_part
and strpos
for get needed information :
left(Contract_key, strpos(Contract_key, '"') - 1) as Contract_key,
left(AmountR, strpos(AmountR, '<') - 1) as OutstandingAmountR,
left(Avgmonth, strpos(Avgmonth, '<') - 1) as AverageMonthlyInstalmentAmount,
select application_id,
split_part(response_body, '<OutstandingAmountR>', 2) AmountR,
split_part(response_body, '<AverageMonthlyInstalmentAmount>', 2) Avgmonth,
split_part(response_body, '<Contract key="', 2) as Contract_key,
from stage_lt.cb_data_execution_entry_details deed, stage_lt.cb_data_execution_entry dee , stage_lt.cb_application_to_execution_entry aee
where and aee.execution_entry_id=deed.execution_entry_id and dee.provider_name='cb'
and application_id = '2253545') x
But problem is this function return the first match found:
ID | Key | amountR | AVGamount |
2253545 | 1 | 10000 | 50 |
this client in same XML have more Contract_key:
ID | Key | amountR | AVGamount |
2253545 | 5 | 70000 | 35 |
2253545 | 7 | 8000 | 70 |
2253545 | … | … | … |
My desired results, by ID get all keys from XML and what info after key until next key :
ID | Key | amountR | AVGamount |
2253545 | 1 | 10000 | 50 |
2253545 | 5 | 70000 | 35 |
2253545 | 7 | 8000 | 70 |
2253545 | … | … | … |
HOW xml looks like : Contract key = 1 and Contract key = 9
Desired results from this example:
ID | Contract key | OutstandingAmountR | AverageMonthlyInstalmentAmount |
2253545 | 1 | 12320.84 | 224.15 |
2253545 | 9 | 3914.13 | 74.96 |
There are a couple of errors in your xml sample data, first one there’s no opening tag for </othercontracts>
and this tag has a bad formed namespace definition <BatchResponse xmlns="http://katana">
should be like <BatchResponse xmlns:ns3="http://katana">
(namespace=something) and that prevents document navigation.
Solving that you should treat xml data as such, not using text functions but xml fuctions, so using xmltable function is very simple to query your data, here an example
create table public.sample (
id int4 NULL,
response_body xml NULL
insert into sample values (1, '<responseContainer xmlns:ns2="http://ws.nGCR">
<ns2:RequestId>11480644</ns2:RequestId> ... );
Query should look like
select xmltable.* from
xmltable(xmlnamespaces('http://ws.nGCR' AS ns2),
passing (select response_body from sample)
columns key text path '@key',
OutstandingAmountR float8 path 'OutstandingAmountR/text()',
AverageMonthlyInstalmentAmount float8 path 'AverageMonthlyInstalmentAmount/text()' );
Using xpaths to reach desired data.
And result
in documentation