i try to solve 2 requests below but i only code for the first one,, can any one help to solve the second one
- Write SQL statements using cursor to update salary of all employees base on update conditionals
- Make sure all update records have been updated completely. The database transaction will be rolled back if any update failure).
declare cur_empno int; cursor salary_increment IS select employee.empno from EMPLOYEE where emplevel in( select EmpNo from EMP_SKILL group by EmpNo having count(*)>1 ); begin open salary_increment; loop fetch salary_increment into cur_empno; exit when salary_increment%notfound; update EMPLOYEE set Salary=Salary+300000 where EmpNo=cur_empno and empLevel=2 and add_months(startdate,24)<=current_date; update EMPLOYEE set Salary=Salary+500000 where EmpNo=cur_empno and empLevel=3 and add_months(startdate,36)<=current_date; end loop; close salary_increment; end;
Try this.
declare cur_empno int; cursor salary_increment IS select employee.empno from EMPLOYEE where emplevel in( select EmpNo from EMP_SKILL group by EmpNo having count(*)>1 ); begin open salary_increment; loop fetch salary_increment into cur_empno; exit when salary_increment%notfound; update EMPLOYEE set Salary=Salary+300000 where EmpNo=cur_empno and empLevel=2 and add_months(startdate,24)<=current_date; update EMPLOYEE set Salary=Salary+500000 where EmpNo=cur_empno and empLevel=3 and add_months(startdate,36)<=current_date; end loop; close salary_increment; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; COMMIT; END;