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Count number of weeks, days and months from a certain date in PySpark

So, I have a DataFrame of this type:

|               date|
|2020-05-10 22:40:51|
|2020-05-10 23:05:25|
|2020-05-10 22:49:42|
|2020-05-10 23:16:06|
|2020-05-10 22:33:25|

And I want to create multiple columns containing, for each line, the current day, week, month and year from a certain date(simply a year, like 2020 for 2020-01-01). At first I thought of using something like this line of code

dataframe = df.withColumn('year', F.year('date')-initial_date).withColumn('month', F.month('date')+col(year)*12).withColumn('week', F.weekofyear('date')++col(year)*52).withColumn('day', F.dayofyear('date')+col(year)*365)

unfortunately this wouldn’t work (except for year and month) correctly since my dataset spans through several years and some of them have more weeks (53,52) and more days (365,366). I know I could quite surely do something like that with an UDF but I want to use it only as a last resort since my dataset will be quite big and I’d love not to sacrifice performances.



To calculate the day difference, you can use datediff, and from that, you can get the week difference by dividing the number of days by 7, and rounding down to integer:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

initial_date = 2020

df2 = df.withColumn(
    # or you can use 
    # F.months_between('date', F.lit('%s-01-01'%initial_date)).cast('int')
    F.datediff('date', F.lit('%s-01-01'%initial_date))
    (F.col('day') / 7).cast('int')
|               date|year|month|day|week|
|2020-05-10 22:40:51|   0|    5|130|  18|
|2020-05-10 23:05:25|   0|    5|130|  18|
|2020-05-10 22:49:42|   0|    5|130|  18|
|2020-05-10 23:16:06|   0|    5|130|  18|
|2020-05-10 22:33:25|   0|    5|130|  18|
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