Consider the following table of data:
FirstName | LastName | Department |
Steve | Colton | Accounting |
Stacy | Beckham | Finance |
Mary | Messi | Finance |
Steve | Colton | Finance |
Michael | Gretsky | Finance |
As you can see Steve Colton is in both Accounting and the Finance departments.
I want a query that should return Steve just once.
I can do the following which works but seems like more code than needed:
insert #FinalData(FirstName, LastName, Department)
select * from MyTable where Department = 'Accounting'
insert #FinalData(FirstName, LastName, Department)
select * from from MyTable mt1 where mt1.Department = 'Finance'
and not exists (
select 1 from #FinalData fd
where fd.FirstName = mt1.FirstName and fd.LastName = mt1.LastName
I am looking for a more concise way to do this. I tried UNION but there doesn’t seem to be a way to exclude a column for purposes of deduplication.
Is there another way?
You can use row_number()
. If you want one row per first name (what your question implies), then:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by firstname order by department) as seqnum
from MyTable
) t
where seqnum = 1;
This will choose “Accounting” over “Finance” for duplicates.