There is a column which calls as text (column’s name) inside a table. I want to create different columns from this column. How to insert to another table these columns using trigger. I tried few triggers for this, but i got error. I splitted columns as below.
select trim(substr(text,1,62)) col1, trim(substr(text,63)) col2, systime col3 from table_1 where col4(in table_1)=6
After that, i created a new table existing 3 columns. How can i fill that new table after any changing in old table?
Can someone help me this issue? Thanks in advance.
Trigger i got error is as below. Table1 has text column, New table i created is table2.
CREATE TABLE table2 (column1 VARCHAR2(60), column2 VARCHAR2(30), column3 TIMESTAMP); ---------- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trigger_name BEFORE INSERT ON table_1 FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_column1 table_2.column1%type; v_column2 table_2.column2%type; v_column3 table_2.column3%type; cursor c1 is select trim(substr(text,1,62)) column1, trim(substr(text,63)) column2, systime column3 from event_list where column4=6 and trim(substr(text,63)) not like 'LU%' and trim(substr(text,1,62)) not like 'COM%'; BEGIN OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 INTO v_column1, v_column2, v_column3; EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND; INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (v_column1, v_column2, v_column3); END LOOP; CLOSE c1; COMMIT; END; /
Access the row that is being inserted with :new
(resp. new
without the colon in the WHEN
clause). You cannot commit inside the trigger; its insert will be commited or rolled back with the transaction it occurs in.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trg_fromt1_to_t2 AFTER INSERT ON table_1 FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( new.column4 = 6 AND TRIM(SUBSTR(new.text, 63)) NOT LIKE 'LU%' AND TRIM(SUBSTR(new.text, 1, 62)) NOT LIKE 'COM%' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (TRIM(SUBSTR(:new.text, 1, 62)), TRIM(SUBSTR(:new.text, 63)), :new.systime); END trg_fromt1_to_t2;