I am using this query:
SELECT * FROM tbcount PIVOT (COUNT(Id) FOR Name IN (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6)) p
and result is
F1 F2 F3 F4 F6 9 9 8 8 8
But I have kept F1 TO F6 fixed I want that if a new column is added I will get count automatically without keeping it fixed
You can try below – using dynamic pivot
declare @sql varchar(max)='',@col_list varchar(8000)='' set @col_list = (select distinct quotename([Name])+',' from tbcount for xml path('')) set @col_list = left (@col_list,len(@col_list)-1) set @sql = 'select '+@col_list+' from tbcount pivot (count(id) for [Name] in ('+@col_list+'))pv' exec(@sql)