I have Product table which is connected with the other two tables Categorie & AttributeValue using many to many relationships. I am using GORM as an ORM. go struct for those tables are like bellow.
type Product struct {
ProductID int `gorm:"column:product_id;primary_key" json:"product_id"`
Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name"`
Categories []Category `gorm:"many2many:product_category;foreignkey:product_id;association_foreignkey:category_id;association_jointable_foreignkey:category_id;jointable_foreignkey:product_id;"`
AttributeValues []AttributeValue `gorm:"many2many:product_attribute;foreignkey:product_id;association_foreignkey:attribute_value_id;association_jointable_foreignkey:attribute_value_id;jointable_foreignkey:product_id;"`
type Category struct {
CategoryID int `gorm:"column:category_id;primary_key" json:"category_id"`
Name string `gorm:"column:name" json:"name"`
Products []Product `gorm:"many2many:product_category;foreignkey:category_id;association_foreignkey:product_id;association_jointable_foreignkey:product_id;jointable_foreignkey:category_id;"`
type AttributeValue struct {
AttributeValueID int `gorm:"column:attribute_value_id;primary_key" json:"attribute_value_id"`
AttributeID int `gorm:"column:attribute_id" json:"attribute_id"`
Value string `gorm:"column:value" json:"value"`
Products []Product `gorm:"many2many:product_attribute;foreignkey:attribute_value_id;association_foreignkey:product_id;association_jointable_foreignkey:product_id;jointable_foreignkey:attribute_value_id;"`
If I want to query Product table by category I can do it like bellow which will return all products in a category with category_id 3.
cat := model.Category{}
s.db.First(&cat, "category_id = ?", 3)
products := []*model.Product{}
s.db.Model(&cat).Related(&products, "Products")
If I want to query the Product table by both Category & AttributeValue how can I do that? Suppose I want to find all the products that are in category with category_id 3 and has AttributeValue with attribute_value_id 2?
I found some ways to query products based on category and AttributeValue. The best way I got is like bellow
products := []*model.Product{}
s.db.Joins("INNER JOIN product_attribute ON product_attribute.product_id = " +
"product.product_id AND product_attribute.attribute_value_id in (?)", 2).
Joins("INNER JOIN product_category ON product_category.product_id = " +
"product.product_id AND product_category.category_id in (?)", 3).
After executing this, products slice will be populated with all the products that are in the category with category_id 3 and has AttributeValue with attribute_value_id 2. We can pass slice of string if we need to find products in multiple Category & AttributeValue.