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How to export data to already existing excel sheet in C#?

I know how to create a new excel and export data into it. But how can I export data to an already existing excel which have some formats and data validation?



Take a look to NuGet library ClosedXML .

I used it in the past and it’s really straightforward.

Install the package in your solution: from VS: Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. Alteratively, run this command from Package Manager Console: Install-Package ClosedXML -Version 0.96.0

In order to open and edit an existing file, use the following code:

Please note: for some (probably good?) reason, sheets indexing starts from 1 instead of 0.

Remember to add the using statement: using ClosedXML.Excel;.

That’s all! Feel free to comment / vote if you need clarifications.

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