I have looked a lot through the internet the past 3 hours but I cannot manage to make the trigger work. Here is my setup:
CREATE TABLE faktura ( extnr VARCHAR2(32), fakturanr NUMBER, fakturadate DATE, partner_name VARCHAR2(32) ) INSERT INTO faktura(extnr, fakturanr, fakturadate, partner_name) VALUES('1234/12', 1, to_date('01.01.2022', 'dd.mm.yyyy'), 'Global Sellers LTD'); INSERT INTO faktura(extnr, fakturanr, fakturadate, partner_name) VALUES('111', 2, to_date('02.01.2022', 'dd.mm.yyyy'), 'Thomas Limited'); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_faktura AS SELECT extnr, fakturanr, fakturadate FROM faktura; SELECT * FROM faktura; SELECT * FROM view_faktura;
There is a user USER1 that has granted UPDATE
on view_faktura
only. Making UPDATE
statement on the view will change the underlying faktura
table data.
UPDATE sol.view_faktura SET extnr = '21' WHERE fakturanr = '2'
What I want to do is log into another new table any UPDATEs that are done on the view (or underlying table):
CREATE TABLE log_table( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, field changed?, old_value VARCHAR2(50), new_value VARCHAR2(50), fakturanr NUMBER, date_of_change DATE );
Now, I try the trigger:
create or replace trigger ChangeOnFaktura after update of "some column" on faktura "(or view_faktura)" for each row declare begin insert into log_table ( old_value, new_value, date_of_change, "field changed?", fakturanr ) values ( oldvalue, newvalue, sysdate, "field changed?", "fakturanr from the changed record" );
Can anyone help me with this?
Edit: Changed some quotation marks to ” instead of ‘. “field changed?” I do not know how to refer to this.
Error I get (without any of the fields I do not know how to refer to in double quotations) is:
Error(2,98): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol “end-of-file” when expecting one of the following: ( begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with << continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge
Define your log table so that field_changed
has a data type and a valid identifier:
CREATE TABLE log_table( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, field_changed VARCHAR2(30), old_value VARCHAR2(32), new_value VARCHAR2(32), fakturanr NUMBER, date_of_change DATE );
Then you can define the trigger, using the :NEW
and :OLD
records to get the values and an END;
statement to terminate the block:
create or replace trigger ChangeOnFaktura after update of extnr on faktura for each row DECLARE BEGIN insert into log_table ( old_value, new_value, date_of_change, field_changed, fakturanr ) values ( :OLD.extnr, :NEW.extnr, SYSDATE, 'EXTNR', :NEW.fakturanr ); END; /
create or replace trigger ChangeOnFaktura after update of extnr on faktura for each row DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN insert into log_table ( old_value, new_value, date_of_change, field_changed, fakturanr ) values ( :OLD.extnr, :NEW.extnr, SYSDATE, 'EXTNR', :NEW.fakturanr ); COMMIT; END; /
Then, after the update, the log table contains:
db<>fiddle here
Or for multiple columns, you can either create a second copy of the trigger and change the column names or use:
create or replace trigger ChangeOnFaktura after update on faktura for each row BEGIN IF :OLD.extnr <> :NEW.extnr OR (:OLD.extnr IS NULL AND :NEW.extnr IS NOT NULL) OR (:OLD.extnr IS NOT NULL AND :NEW.extnr IS NULL) THEN insert into log_table ( old_value, new_value, date_of_change, field_changed, fakturanr ) values ( :OLD.extnr, :NEW.extnr, SYSDATE, 'EXTNR', :NEW.fakturanr ); END IF; IF :OLD.partner_name <> :NEW.partner_name OR (:OLD.partner_name IS NULL AND :NEW.partner_name IS NOT NULL) OR (:OLD.partner_name IS NOT NULL AND :NEW.partner_name IS NULL) THEN insert into log_table ( old_value, new_value, date_of_change, field_changed, fakturanr ) values ( :OLD.partner_name, :NEW.partner_name, SYSDATE, 'PARTNER_NAME', :NEW.fakturanr ); END IF; END; /
db<>fiddle here