I would like to run an sql db2 query on python that will create a data table in a public schema but I’m stuck because of this error
ResourceClosedError: This result object does not return rows. It has been closed automatically.
Below is the Python code I’m using, I have deleted the private information.
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine #connection string user = "xxx" pwd = "xxx" host = "xxx" port = "xxx" db = "xxx" conn_strng = "redshift+psycopg2://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" %(user,pwd,host,port,db) #establish connection engine = create_engine(conn_strng) with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin(): pd.read_sql(""" drop table if exists public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date; create table public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date as SELECT DLCX_Date, tool_id as DLCX_Tool,Model, avg(SQZSER) as SQZSER_Mean, avg(SQZSER_BASE) as SQZSER_BASE_Mean, avg(PRED_ACC_SMR) as PRED_ACC_SMR_Mean, avg(PRED_ACC_CMR) as PRED_ACC_CMR_Mean, count(slider_id) as Tested_Sliders FROM (SELECT DISTINCT a.slider_id, LEFT(a.product_id,2) as Model, a.xti_wrn1_p23 AS SQZSER,a.SER0 AS SQZSER_BASE, a.FOM2 AS PRED_ACC_SMR, a.FOM1 AS PRED_ACC_CMR, TRUNC(c.transaction_date_time) as DLCX_Date, c.tool_id FROM ah.param_jade_wide a LEFT JOIN ah.param_lap_summary b ON (a.wafer_id, a.row_number) = (b.wafer_id, b.row_number) LEFT JOIN ah.his_job c ON c.job_number = b.job_number WHERE c.transaction_date_time > '2020-03-01' AND LEFT(a.product_id,2) IN ('C3') AND b.source_system_code IN ('MFG2.SLDR.LAPRUN') AND a.xti_wrn1_p23 between -10 and 0 AND a.SER0 between -10 and 0 AND c.operation_id IN ('510150') AND a.retest_number = 0 AND a.class_description IN ('PROD') AND NOT c.tool_id = 0 AND NOT c.tool_id in ('')) group by DLCX_Date, DLCX_Tool, Model Union SELECT DLCX_Date, tool_id as DLCX_Tool,Model, avg(SQZSER) as SQZSER_Mean, avg(SQZSER_BASE) as SQZSER_BASE_Mean, avg(PRED_ACC_SMR) as PRED_ACC_SMR_Mean,'0'PRED_ACC_CMR_Mean, count(slider_id) as Tested_Sliders FROM (SELECT DISTINCT a.slider_id, LEFT(a.product_id,2) as Model, a.XTI_WRN1_P19 AS SQZSER,a.XTI_WRN1_P18 AS SQZSER_BASE, a.XTI_RSVD0 AS PRED_ACC_SMR, TRUNC(c.transaction_date_time) as DLCX_Date, c.tool_id FROM ah.param_jade_wide a LEFT JOIN ah.param_lap_summary b ON (a.wafer_id, a.row_number) = (b.wafer_id, b.row_number) LEFT JOIN ah.his_job c ON c.job_number = b.job_number WHERE c.transaction_date_time > '2020-03-01' AND LEFT(a.product_id,2) IN ('L2','L3') AND b.source_system_code IN ('MFG2.SLDR.LAPRUN') AND c.operation_id IN ('510150') AND a.XTI_WRN1_P19 between -10 and 0 AND a.XTI_WRN1_P18 between -10 and 0 AND a.retest_number = 0 AND a.class_description IN ('PROD') AND NOT c.tool_id = 0 AND NOT c.tool_id in ('')) group by DLCX_Date, DLCX_Tool, Model order by DLCX_Date; commit;""", conn) conn.close() engine.dispose() print("Table has been updated!")
Please help in fixing my code and thanks in advance.
Error indicates Pandas read_sql
cannot import data into a data frame since you only have DDL actions: DROP TABLE
and nothing that return rows like SELECT
If not using Pandas for data analytics, simply run your queries with SQL Alchemy transactions. And no need to close
using context manager like with
with engine.connect() as conn: with conn.begin() conn.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date;""") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date AS ... """)
Or combined:
with engine.begin() as conn: conn.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date;""") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date AS ... """)
And if you really do need a data frame, use engine
object in read_sql
after transactions:
df = pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM public.fc_SER_ACC_By_DLCX_Date;""", engine)