I have a problem inserting values into a Class
I want to write a trigger to prevent happening “an instructor teaches in different class_Id at the same time”.
How can I do this?
CREATE TABLE Class ( Class_ID BIGINT, c_InstrumentID BIGINT NOT NULL, c_StudentID BIGINT, c_InstructorID BIGINT NOT NULL, c_InstituteId BIGINT NOT NULL, c_TermSeason NVARCHAR(10), c_TermYear INT, c_TimeOfClass TIME NOT NULL, c_DayOfClass NVARCHAR(30), c_Eligibility INT, c_RemainingSession INT, CONSTRAINT cons_Season CHECK(c_TermSeason IN ('Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter')), CONSTRAINT cons_TimeClass CHECK(c_TimeOfClass BETWEEN '08:30:00' AND '20:30:00'), CONSTRAINT cons_RemainSession CHECK (c_RemainingSession BETWEEN 0 AND 12), FOREIGN KEY(c_InstrumentID) REFERENCES Instrument(Instrument_ID) ON DELETE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(c_StudentID) REFERENCES Student(Student_ID) ON DELETE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(c_InstructorID) REFERENCES Instructor(Instructor_ID) ON DELETE NO ACTION, FOREIGN KEY(c_InstituteId) REFERENCES Institute(Institute_ID) ON DELETE NO ACTION, PRIMARY KEY (Class_ID) )
This is the trigger which I’ve created:
CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER One_InstructorDuplicate ON Class AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Class C, ((SELECT * FROM CLASS) EXCEPT (SELECT * FROM inserted)) AS newC WHERE newC.c_InstructorID = C.c_InstructorID AND newC.c_DayOfClass != C.c_DayOfClass AND newC.c_TermSeason != C.c_TermSeason AND newC.c_TermYear != C.c_TermYear AND newC.c_TimeOfClass != C.c_TimeOfClass)) ROLLBACK TRAN END;
Use inserted
and JOIN
to the Class
table. Check for existence of rows in table that matches your requirement (c_DayOfClass, c_TermSeason etc)
CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER One_InstructorDuplicate ON Class AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM inserted i INNER JOIN Class c ON i.c_InstructorID = c.c_InstructorID WHERE i.Class_ID <> c.Class_ID AND i.c_DayOfClass = c.c_DayOfClass AND i.c_TermSeason = c.c_TermSeason AND i.c_TermYear = c.c_TermYear AND i.c_TimeOfClass = c.c_TimeOfClass ) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRAN END END;