I have a database with different tables in order to store photos, users, reviews, ratings… I wanna validate that no one uses “bad words” (insults) in their photos’ title or description. So I decided to create a table called ‘inappropiatewords’ where all of these bad words will be stored and then I made the following trigger:
DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tBadWords_RNC02 BEFORE INSERT ON Photos FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE numwords INT; SET numwords = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inappropiatewords); DECLARE title VARCHAR(128); DECLARE description VARCHAR(512); SET title = (SELECT title FROM Photos WHERE photoId = new.photoId); SET description = (SELECT description FROM Photos WHERE photoId = new.photoId); DECLARE x INT; SET x = 1; WHILE x <= numwords DO DECLARE word VARCHAR(200); SET word = (SELECT word FROM inappropiatewords WHERE inappropiateWordId = x); IF(INSTR(title,word) > 0 OR INSTR(description,word) > 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'You cannot use inappropiate words in title or description'; END IF; END // DELIMITER ;
But when I try to run it I’m getting the following error: [error image][1]
I don’t know what I’m doing bad, so if anybody could help me I would be so grateful. I’m using HeidiSQL and MariaDB. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FFc6a.jpg
UPDATE I’ve made the following change:
DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tBadWords_RNC02 BEFORE INSERT ON Photos FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE numwords INT; SET numwords = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inappropiatewords); FOR x IN 1..numwords DO DECLARE word VARCHAR(200); SET word = (SELECT word FROM inappropiatewords WHERE inappropiateWordId = x); IF(INSTR(NEW.title,word) > 0 OR INSTR(NEW.description,word) > 0) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'You cannot use inappropiate words in title or description'; END IF; END // DELIMITER ;
but I’m still getting an error 🙁
It can be a bit simpler
DELIMITER // CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tBadWords_RNC02 BEFORE INSERT ON Photos FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM inappropiatewords bw WHERE INSTR(NEW.title, bw.word) > 0 OR INSTR(NEW.description, bw.word) > 0 )) THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'You cannot use inappropiate words in title or description'; END IF; END // DELIMITER ;