i have two columns of numbers. the goal is starting from a number f.e. 55, to extract all ‘connected’ numbers (starting with any of those numbers, should yield the same result)
A B ----- 56 55 55 56 69 55 35 55 47 55 60 55 22 55 26 47 2 35 ..... more data
in this case all numbers shown here : 55,56,35,69,60,22,47,2,26
I use the following query :
with recursive merge as ( select A from T where A = 55 or B = 55 union select B from T cm join merge m on cm.A = m.A or cm.B = m.A ) select * from merge
but I get back only those back : 55,56,35,69,60,22,47
I think using this will work :
with recursive merge as ( select A from T where A = 55 or B = 55 union ( select B from T cm join merge m on cm.A = m.A union select A from T cm join merge m on cm.B = m.A ) ) select * from merge
but Postgres does not allow to use “merge” more than ONCE in the recursive query !!?
My goal is starting with number to find all connected numbers across the “chain” i.e.
55 => 56,35,69,60,22,47 => 2,26 ....
because :
47 => 26 35 => 2
You can do:
with recursive n (v) as ( select case when t.a = 55 then t.b else t.a end from t where t.a = 55 or t.b = 55 union select case when t.a = n.v then t.b else t.a end from n join t on t.a = n.v or t.b = n.v ) select * from n
v -- 56 69 35 47 60 22 55 2 26
See running example at DB Fiddle.
Or… if you prefer to place the parameter in a single place:
with recursive params as (select 55 as x), -- parameter only once n (v) as ( select case when t.a = p.x then t.b else t.a end from t cross join params p where t.a = p.x or t.b = p.x union select case when t.a = n.v then t.b else t.a end from n join t on t.a = n.v or t.b = n.v ) select * from n