I’m looking for a library that could filter javascript collections of objets from a SQL query. No such results on Google :/
For example, this objects collection…
var objects = [{id : 1, name : "o1"},{id : 2, name : "o2"}]
filtered with…
SELECT * FROM objects WHERE id = 1
would return…
[{id : 1, name : "o1"}]
Do you know if such a library already exists ? Or should I devellop it by myself… ? (Uhh –‘)
Thanks all !
Thanks for all these answers 😉 Well, such a library does not seems to exist :/ I bypassed the problem and focused only on the Where clause : I built a class specialized in handling a where clause. This class can even return a SQL Where clause string (used in a further request) or filter a collection or objects.
Thanks for your answers, they all helped me in solving my problem 😉