I am running a query on a weekly basis and would like one of my column to return the ISO_WEEK
number with the prefix ‘W’. For example: W1.
More specifically, I would like to reproduce the following condition into a column name.
Main Query is:
SELECT CAST(t.log_time as Date) AS Week1 ,DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,t.log_time) AS Week_Number -- Dynamically named with ISO_WEEK ,email AS Emails FROM table.memberlog as t WHERE 1=1 AND DATEPART(ISO_WEEK, t.log_time) = DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,GETDATE())-2 AND DATEPART(YEAR, t.log_time) = DATEPART(YEAR,GETDATE())
SQL Server is declarative by design and does not support macro substitution. This leaves you with Dynamic SQL such as …
Declare @SQL varchar(max) = ' SELECT CAST(t.log_time as Date) AS Week1 ,DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,t.log_time) AS '+concat('W',DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,GETDATE())-2)+' ,email AS Emails FROM table.memberlog as t WHERE 1=1 AND DATEPART(ISO_WEEK, t.log_time) = DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,GETDATE())-2 AND DATEPART(YEAR, t.log_time) = DATEPART(YEAR,GETDATE()) ' Exec(@SQL)