We have separate table maintained for condition / filters. Based on the conditions, filters to be applied at base table.
here’s the sample input conditional data for reference purpose
+-----------+-------------------+----------+------------+--------------+---------------+----------------+ val_range |val_range_operator | val_From | val_till | val_except | except_from | except_till | +-----------+-------------------+----------+------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+ | | | | | | | 100 | = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | between | 200 | 300 | | | | | | | | | | | | between | 410 | 620 | 450,600,610 | | | | | | | | | | | between | 800 | 999 | 810,820,850 | 890 | 930 | | | | | | | | | between | 1200 | 1500 | | 1300 | 1399 | +-----------+-------------------+----------+------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+
Based on this input conditions , filter to be derived as follows.
Select col* from transaction_tbl where val_range = 100 OR val_range between 200 AND 300 OR val_range between 410 AND 620 AND val_range not in (450,600,610) OR val_range between 800 AND 999 AND val_range not in (810,820,850) AND NOT BETWEEN 890 and 930 OR val_range between 1200 AND 1500 AND val_range NOT BETWEEN 1300 AND 1399
please help me in achieving the filter query
The below sparkSQL will help you to build the where clause,
select concat( '( ', concat_ws( ') OR (', collect_list( case when val_range_operator = '=' and val_range is not null then concat_ws(' ', 'val_range', '=', val_range) when val_range_operator = 'between' and val_From is not null and val_till is not null and val_range is null and val_except is null and except_from is null and except_till is null then concat_ws( ' ', 'val_range', 'between', val_From, 'AND', val_till ) when val_range_operator = 'between' and val_From is not null and val_till is not null and val_range is null and val_except is not null and except_from is null and except_till is null then concat_ws( ' ', 'val_range', 'between', val_From, 'AND', val_till, 'AND', 'val_range', 'NOT', 'IN', '(', val_except, ')' ) when val_range_operator = 'between' and val_From is not null and val_till is not null and val_range is null and val_except is not null and except_from is not null and except_till is not null then concat_ws( ' ', 'val_range', 'between', val_From, 'AND', val_till, 'AND', 'val_range', 'NOT', 'IN', '(', val_except, ')', 'AND NOT BETWEEN', except_from, 'AND', except_till ) when val_range_operator = 'between' and val_From is not null and val_till is not null and val_range is null and val_except is null and except_from is not null and except_till is not null then concat_ws( ' ', 'val_range', 'between', val_From, 'AND', val_till, 'AND NOT BETWEEN', except_from, 'AND', except_till ) end ) ), ' )' ) as filter_condition from filter_tb
PS: scenarios are derived based on reference data. Please update the query if any other scenario exists.