I have a table named Property with following columns in SQL Server:
Id Name
there are some property in this table that certain object in other table should give value to it.
Id Object_Id Property_Id Value
I want to make a pivot table like below that has one column for each property I’ve declared in 1’st table:
Object_Id Property1 Property2 Property3 ...
I want to know how can I get columns of pivot dynamically from table. Because the rows in 1’st table will change.
Something like this:
DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX); select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(Name) FROM property FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') , 1, 1, ''); SELECT @query = 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT o.object_id, p.Name, o.value FROM propertyObjects AS o INNER JOIN property AS p ON o.Property_Id = p.Id ) AS t PIVOT ( MAX(value) FOR Name IN( ' + @cols + ' )' + ' ) AS p ; '; execute(@query);
SQL Fiddle Demo.
This will give you something like this:
| OBJECT_ID | PROPERTY1 | PROPERTY2 | PROPERTY3 | PROPERTY4 | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 1 | ee | fd | fdf | ewre | | 2 | dsd | sss | dfew | dff |