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doing some of columns based on some complex logic in pyspark

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Here is the question in the image attached:


Row Col1    Col2    Col3    Result
1   10       20      100    30
2   20       40      200    60
3   30       60       0     240
4   40       70       0     180
5   30       80      50     110
6   25       35       0      65
7   10       20      60      30

So result column is calculated based on the below rules:

  1. If col3 >0 , then result=col1+col2
  2. If col 3=0, then result= sum (col2) till col3 >0 + col1(where col3>0)

for example for row =3, the result=60+70+80+30(from col1 from row 5 because here col3>0)=240 for row=4, the result=70+80+30(from col1 from row 5 because here col3>0)=180 similarly for others



This answers (correctly, I might add) the original version of the question.

In SQL, you can express this using window functions. Use a cumulative sum to define the group and the an additional cumulative sum:

select t.*,
       (case when col3 <> 0 then col1 + col2
             else sum(col2 + case when col3 = 0 then col1 else 0 end) over (partition by grp order by row desc)
        end) as result
from (select t.*,
             sum(case when col3 <> 0 then 1 else 0 end) over (order by row desc) as grp
      from t
     ) t;

Here is a db<>fiddle (which uses Postgres).


Your description says that the else logic should be:

else sum(col2) over (partition by grp order by row desc)

Your example says:

else sum(col2 + col3) over (partition by grp order by row desc)

And in my opinion, this seems most logical:

else sum(col1 + col2) over (partition by grp order by row desc)
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