I’m creating a query where I need to get the ranking depending on how many are duplicated in the column “MacAddress”(amount) in the table MacsUsers, this is the data:
this is my SQL query:
SELECT COUNT([MU].MacAddress) AS Quantity, [USER].Name, [USER].SurName, [MU].MacAddress, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY mu.MacAddress) AS RNK FROM MacsUsers [MU] JOIN Macs [MAC] ON [MAC].MacAddress = [MU].MacAddress JOIN Users [USER] ON [MAC].UserEmail = [USER].Email JOIN Profiles [PROFILE] ON [PROFILE].MacAddress = [MAC].MacAddress GROUP BY mu.MacAddress,[USER].Name, [USER].SurName
I think I’m doing well with the DENSE_RANK function but it does not work as it is expected, any possible solution? thanks advance
window function should apply ordering on the “Quantity” field instead of the “MacAddress” field. In order to apply a window function on an aggregated field, you need to have a subquery as follows.
WITH cte AS ( SELECT COUNT([MU].MacAddress) AS Quantity, [USER].Name, [USER].SurName, [MU].MacAddress FROM MacsUsers [MU] JOIN Macs [MAC] ON [MAC].MacAddress = [MU].MacAddress JOIN Users [USER] ON [MAC].UserEmail = [USER].Email JOIN Profiles [PROFILE] ON [PROFILE].MacAddress = [MAC].MacAddress GROUP BY mu.MacAddress, [USER].Name, [USER].SurName ) SELECT *, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY Quantity) AS RNK FROM cte