I need to convert a DateTime type value to BIGINT type in .Net ticks format (number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001).
The conversion should be perform in Sql server 2008 using T-SQL query
For example:
DateTime value - 12/09/2011 00:00:00
will convert to:
BIGINT value - 634513824000000000
I have found a CodeProject article that may assist: Convert DateTime To .NET Ticks Using T-SQL
I enclose the SQL function from the above article (I hope this is ok? As it requires registration.)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[MonthToDays365] (@month int) RETURNS int WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given month (0-12) to the corresponding number of days into the year (by end of month) -- this function is for non-leap years BEGIN RETURN CASE @month WHEN 0 THEN 0 WHEN 1 THEN 31 WHEN 2 THEN 59 WHEN 3 THEN 90 WHEN 4 THEN 120 WHEN 5 THEN 151 WHEN 6 THEN 181 WHEN 7 THEN 212 WHEN 8 THEN 243 WHEN 9 THEN 273 WHEN 10 THEN 304 WHEN 11 THEN 334 WHEN 12 THEN 365 ELSE 0 END END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[MonthToDays366] (@month int) RETURNS int WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given month (0-12) to the corresponding number of days into the year (by end of month) -- this function is for leap years BEGIN RETURN CASE @month WHEN 0 THEN 0 WHEN 1 THEN 31 WHEN 2 THEN 60 WHEN 3 THEN 91 WHEN 4 THEN 121 WHEN 5 THEN 152 WHEN 6 THEN 182 WHEN 7 THEN 213 WHEN 8 THEN 244 WHEN 9 THEN 274 WHEN 10 THEN 305 WHEN 11 THEN 335 WHEN 12 THEN 366 ELSE 0 END END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[MonthToDays] (@year int, @month int) RETURNS int WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given month (0-12) to the corresponding number of days into the year (by end of month) -- this function is for non-leap years BEGIN RETURN -- determine whether the given year is a leap year CASE WHEN (@year % 4 = 0) and ((@year % 100 != 0) or ((@year % 100 = 0) and (@year % 400 = 0))) THEN dbo.MonthToDays366(@month) ELSE dbo.MonthToDays365(@month) END END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TimeToTicks] (@hour int, @minute int, @second int) RETURNS bigint WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given hour/minute/second to the corresponding ticks BEGIN RETURN (((@hour * 3600) + CONVERT(bigint, @minute) * 60) + CONVERT(bigint, @second)) * 10000000 END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DateToTicks] (@year int, @month int, @day int) RETURNS bigint WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given year/month/day to the corresponding ticks BEGIN RETURN CONVERT(bigint, (((((((@year - 1) * 365) + ((@year - 1) / 4)) - ((@year - 1) / 100)) + ((@year - 1) / 400)) + dbo.MonthToDays(@year, @month - 1)) + @day) - 1) * 864000000000; END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DateTimeToTicks] (@d datetime) RETURNS bigint WITH SCHEMABINDING AS -- converts the given datetime to .NET-compatible ticks -- see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime.ticks(v=vs.110).aspx BEGIN RETURN dbo.DateToTicks(DATEPART(yyyy, @d), DATEPART(mm, @d), DATEPART(dd, @d)) + dbo.TimeToTicks(DATEPART(hh, @d), DATEPART(mi, @d), DATEPART(ss, @d)) + (CONVERT(bigint, DATEPART(ms, @d)) * CONVERT(bigint,10000)); END GO